The Most Popular Features included in the BETA are voicemail to text transcription, queue ringtones and multicast provisioning have been introduced in the current Update 4 .
The list of features included in Update 4 are as follows :- Voicemail to Text Transcription – Read the guide on how to set this up. 1.Queue Ringtones and Multicast Provisioning 2. Alternative 3CX Supported Firmware 3. UTF8 encoding in recording file names 4. Dashboard bar notifications for Firewall messages, Custom IP phone templates and Unsupported VoIP Providers. “Firewall Custom template Unsupported Provider” 5.3CX SIP Server option to unbind from IPv6 In addition to the above the final release also includes: 1. IPv6 rules for IP6tables 2. Adjusted DST values for Fanvil Phones. How to update If you are on v15.5, SP1, SP2, SP3, or SP4 BETA simply go to the updates section on the dashboard of the management console where you will see a release update 15.5 SP4. Click on the update and 15.5 SP4 will be installed. If you want to download a new installation you can download the Linux or the Windows version. Windows: Linux: Follow this guide and download the 3CX ISO here. View the complete change log.
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August 2018